Welcome to VOYCE
What’s a Kaiwhakamana?
VOYCE will help you to have a say and understand decisions that are made about your care journey. VOYCE also runs connection events (we call them Tūhono), where you can meet other young people who are in care!
A Kaiwhakamana is an advocate – someone who’s got your back. We help you have a say and make sense of what’s going on. We make sure the adults listen to you and understand how you feel.
We can help you to have your voice heard on lots of things, like spending time with your siblings, getting pocket money, contacting your social worker, going to hui, figuring things out when you leave care.
If you want to spend time with your kaiwhakamana, you get to decide where you hang out and what you talk about. You’re the boss!
We have heaps of fun projects and cool events happening all the time. You don’t have to wait until there’s a problem to get involved.
Get in touch or reach out to your Kaiwhakamana!

VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai stands for “Voices of the Young and Care Experienced – Listen to Me”. We were designed with young people with care experience, for young people with care experience. VOYCE works with care experienced pēpi (babies), tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people).
“Care Experienced” means someone who has spent time in care. Being in care can look different for everyone, but some common types of care are: